
Thanks to all who participated in MC ThinkCamp on Friday June 3rd, 2011

This was no ordinary event –  a fantastic mix of movers, shakers & enthusiasts from both the healthcare and the mobile community came together for a day of sharing insights & experience,  generating ideas, and developing them further in free-flow break-out sessions. We wrapped up the day with a series of pitches to address a wide range of issues and opportunities for mHealth innovation.

Now those ideas get put into action! –  the ad hoc teams that formed around the ideas that emerged are now invited to stay engaged with moving their proposal forward, and we’ll be providing support & partnerships to make that happen – with the ultimate goal of implementation or commercialisation on a shared-stake basis.

Stay-tuned for the mHealth Showcase–  somewhere around October or November we’ll be inviting all who participated (or wanted to) to reconvene for a showcase event of all of the ideas that were developed further – working proto-types, active pilots, work-in-progress, action plans in motions, whatever we’ve got!

(thanks to David Doherty of 3G Doctor for the excellent graph of the participant break-down)

What is a ThinkCamp?

ThinkCamps create an open and stimulating environment for the sharing and comparing of experiences, frustrations, skills and visions for the future. There is just enough structure to allow you to discuss issues, flesh-out ideas, and provide the right balance of expertise and support to act on those ideas. But the process goes beyond the event itself – ideas are given the opportunity to turn into tangible projects that are mentored and further developed, and have a clear path to implementation.

The Mobile Collective ThinkCamp Series is a collaborative approach to generating and supporting ideas that address problems, rise to challenges, and  take advantage of new opportunities. We bring together people from a diverse range of disciplines and skill-sets, facilitate the generation of ideas, and provide a supportive  process for organically formed working groups to get as many good ideas to market as possible.


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